- Diskussionsramen på Biram.se
- Biodlingsföretagarna
- BEE-L arkiv
- En annan. numera tydligen avsomnad, diskussionsgrupp är: sci.agriculture.beekeepingoch tidigare inlägg i den debatt som sker där, hittar du här.
- Bee Source Forums
- FloridaBeekeepers. To provide a place for discussion of up to date modern beekeeping practices and procedures using the art and skills learned in our day to day endeavors. All the while enjoying the experience, with the willingness to share this knowledge with everyone interested in Beekeeping
- Irish Beekeeping List. This Discussion List on beekeeping has members from all over the world. It is devoted to the biology, handling and diseases of bees and is primarily aimed at improving the beekeeping techniques of the members.
- Biological Beekeeping List. Discussing the keeping of bees and production of honey without the use of chemicals and drugs. This includes questions of breeding, diet, cell size and environment. Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
- Norlandbeekeepers. This email list is for beekeepers who keep honey-bees (Apis Mellifera), north or south in latitude.